Has been working since 2000

Atlas Health Care Ghaziabad

Providing Physiotherapy at Home services in Delhi/NCR Find the right physiotherapist at home, in just a click at orthoneurophysioclinic / Atlas Healthcare which is a trusted, exclusive physiotherapy portal working in Indirapuram, Rajnagar extension, Kavi Nagar, Vaishali, Kaushambi, Mohan Nagar, Shastri Nagar, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Which offers Physiotherapy treatment of all kinds of joints pain, stiffness, weakness, as Back Pain, Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Sciatica, Cervical Spondylosis, Disc Bulge, Frozen Shoulder, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Muscle Weakness, Balancing Problems... Post surgery rehabilitation for Shoulder, Knee Surgery / TKR, Hip Replacement. or any other medical/ neuromusculoskeletal problem that can be treated through physiotherapy like Stroke, Nerve Injuries , Bells Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's & Paralysis. Dr. Kumar's team with the experience of 15 Years in various hospitals & Clinics & expertise in the field of Ortho Physiotherapy.

His team is well trained & worked across multiple specialities like General Physiotherapy, Pediatric Physiotherapy, Geriatric Physiotherapy, Neurological Physiotherapy, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Cardiovascular Physiotherapy, Pulmonary Physiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy, Pre and Post Surgery ,Rehabilitation, Dry Needling, K-Taping, Mobilization & Manipulations, Body Balancing, Osteopathy, Chiropractor etc.

About Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy at Home from Atlas Healthcare, The Physio Company, for chronic pain starts with discussion, investigation and education. Persistent pain can be confusing, particularly with so much information around to sort through. We start by addressing questions and concerns and move towards increasing understanding of pain and its interaction with physical function. Pain is a complex thing but a solid understanding of pain is vital to progress so we start with this. Attention is paid to any kind of difficulties with physical function, often caused by a combination of injury and pain resulting in a mixture of stiffness/tightness/weakness. We methodically develop simple activities and exercise programmes which are also reviewed and progressed regularly.

Many patients experience fear of certain movements or activities, often avoiding activities they used to enjoy. It makes sense to avoid or to be apprehensive about things that have been painful in the past but pain can cause us to become overprotective. We address this as well with education and progressive experimentation. As we move forward with exercise, it is often appropriate to introduce pool and/or gym-based exercise. Education is provided and exercises prescribed at the outset and progress is reviewed regularly. By this stage, patients have a good understanding of their pain, how their symptoms respond to activities and exercise and how safe they are to perform exercises so the pool or gym sessions are soon independent. We regularly review progress in the clinic & at home if patient are taking physiotherapy at and agree on progression of existing exercises or introducing the new ones. Everything we try is informed by research and experience but some things work better for some than for others so we do what I like to call 'Small, low-risk experiments' to determine the best programme. We use these experiments to discover what works,based on evidence from the patient's own experience of trying the exercises and activities. We then progress or introduce new experiments.The overall aim is to help patients to improve their physical function and reduce the impact of pain on well-being in all areas of work and life www.orthoneurophysioclinic.in


Prior to the session

After making a booking via phone, text or email, you will be sent a confirmation text or email (depending on your preference). This will include the date, time and cost of your session. (www.orthoneurophysioclinic.in Atlas Healthcare, The Physio Company)

What to wear

Atlas Healthcare, recommend that you wear comfortable, loose clothing that will allow easy access to the painful area, as this is important to provide a thorough assessment. The Physiotherapist will provide towels for your comfort and modesty as appropriate.

Initial Consultation

The Physiotherapist will arrive at your home, work or agreed location at the time confirmed. The Physiotherapist will bring all the equipment needed for your home Physiotherapy session, including a portable treatment table.

Personal Details, Medical History and Consent

You will be required to complete the formality as per #orthoneurophysioclinic.in, or as per our SOP for Home Physiotherapy, which will request the information that is needed prior to being assessed and treated by a Physiotherapist. Details required include your full name, date of birth, address and contact details. We will also need your medical history, current medications and your consent to Physiotherapy assessment and treatment.

History Taking by asking questions

The Physiotherapist will then complete a comprehensive assessment of your condition, starting by asking you the questions such as: how long have you had the pain? and how did it start? They will also ask about how the pain is impacting on your daily function and quality of life. The Physiotherapist will allow you to tell your story, in your own words, in your own time. We are aware that, especially when you have had pain for a long time, it often starts to affect many areas of your life such as work, social and family life, which can impact on your mood and overall well-being. Recent research in pain science has shown how these factors can further impact on the pain, often making it worse. We therefore believe, that it is very important to understand the nature of the pain and its impact on you as an individual to provide you with a holistic, individually tailored Physiotherapy treatment programme, targeting all contributing factors to your pain condition.

Physical Examination

This will be followed by a thorough physical examination, which will involve assessing your joints, ligaments muscles, tendons and nerves. This will be achieved by performing specific tests and assessing your movement, strength and flexibility. They will also observe the movements that you find particularly painful or difficult to do in addition to more general functional movements. Your Physiotherapist may also conduct a neurological examination, assessing your sensation, reflexes, strength and other specific tests if there are indications from your symptoms that the nerves may be involved in your pain problem


Your Physiotherapist will be trained in numerous treatment techniques including manual therapy, exercise therapy, massage therapy, soft tissue techniques, acupuncture, dry needling therapy, taping and pain science education. Their choice of treatment will be determined based on what they clinically think to be the most effective for your pain presentation / condition, which is aligned with your expectations of the session, whether this be a reduction in pain, an improvement in movement or in-depth education about your condition and how to self-manage. Often a combination of treatments will be provided over the course of your Physiotherapy journey.

Your Physiotherapist will repeatedly review your painful positions and movements to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. Your Physiotherapist may suggest some specific movements or exercises to perform to assist in your recovery following / in between sessions. These will be clearly explained, demonstrated and practised within the session. Further information will be provided via email. Please see 'After the Session' section below.

If you plan to have further Physiotherapy sessions at home, your Physiotherapist may discuss with you what your long-term goals are and devise a plan for how we can guide and support you to ensure you achieve these. This may also be done at subsequent sessions.

At the end of your session, you will have the opportunity to ask any further questions you may have.


We currently accept payment for your home visit Physiotherapy session by cash or online bank transfer. If paying by online bank transfer, we kindly request that this is made within 24 hours of your session.

Once the payment for your Physiotherapy session has been received, you will be sent a receipt via email within 24 hours.

After the Session

The Physiotherapist will email/teach you any exercises that they have suggested you perform, within 24 hours. This will include a picture and / or video of the exercise to be performed. This will be accompanied by clear instructions of how to perform the exercise, how many repetitions are required and how often you should perform the exercise to ensure its effectiveness. It will also indicate whether any pain is expected to be felt, and if so what level is safe and appropriate for your specific pain condition.

Senior Physiotherapist will commonly contact you within 2-3 days via text or email to see how the things are going.

You can make a follow up appointment at any time. Please note, that we do offer a discount on multiple sessions paid for in advance. Please speak to your Physiotherapist or call 09811043694.

Follow up appointments (45 & 60 minutes)

As for the Initial Consultation, your Physiotherapist will arrive at your home, work or at agreed location at the time confirmed. They will bring all the equipment needed for your home Physiotherapy session, including a portable treatment table.

The home visit will start by asking you how your symptoms have been since the last session, and their impact on you. Your Physiotherapist will want to know if there have been any changes to your condition, such as any new symptoms or any changes in your management, such as a change in pain killers.

Your Physiotherapist will ask you repeat movements that are known to reproduce your symptoms and may perform some additional tests to confirm your diagnosis. They will then proceed to treatment as determined by your response to previous treatment, whether your condition is improving, the assessment on the day and your session / overall treatment expectations. They may also ask additional questions about the pain itself and its impact on you to further understand the complexities of your specific pain presentation.

Again, your Physiotherapist may suggest some specific movements or exercises to perform to assist in your recovery following / in between sessions. These will be clearly explained, demonstrated and practised within the session. Further information will be provided via email. Please see 'After the Session' section above.


1. Quick improvement

If you're experiencing pain due to accident or injury or due to any other reason, you feel any way a little uneasy and the only place that can bring you comfort is your home. Now in that comfort space of yours, if you get Physiotherapy Treatment at home then chances of improvement get boosted. You are relaxed and comfortable so you respond quickly.

2. Personal care and connection

When you are at home, you have your people around you and hence you feel motivated. At the same time, the physiotherapist machine can give you personal attention and you too would be able to share your concern without any hesitation, thus resulting in better growth. All in all, the effectiveness of the treatment gets high.

3. Better recovery guidelines

At times, it may happen that, you visit the physiotherapist but, the atmosphere and surrounding there doesn't help you. This criterion can be totally eliminated in case of home physio treatment as the physiotherapist would first of all use his or her knowledge and the required tools to help you. Then, he or she would devise a routine for you on the basis of the infrastructure and surrounding of your home, hence leading to better growth.

4. No mobility issues

In case of high-risk patients, home physiotherapy treatment is highly recommended. They might face problems in terms of travelling and making day to day movements. So when a physiotherapist visits their place, they get best treatment by being at their home.

5. Time management

At times, it is difficult to keep up with the schedule of the physiotherapist. People miss out on experts and their treatments due to non flexible schedules. This obstacle can be very well addressed through home physio treatment. You can manage your routine and also get highly effective treatments by planning sessions according to your schedules and routine.

6. Cost effective

There is no denial to a fact that, travelling to a doctor is worthy but, one can't also completely ignore the travelling expenses. So when visits the physiotherapist at home, you save your travelling expenditure, which makes the entire treatment process cost-effective.

7. Supervision

When you are treated at your home, your family members can keep an eye on the treatment and on the growth scale too. If you too feel disheartened, they would be there to support you and can help the physiotherapist as well if he or she needs anything.

8. Personal Safety Benefits.

The main advantage of physiotherapy at home is safety, since it removes the burden of transport (home to physical clinic or hospital, and back) from an injured and likely stressed individual. During my years as a traditional, fixed location physiotherapist, I often wondered how patients in severe pain made it to their appointments, particularly for weekend consultations. You see, I would often hear stories of people taking extraordinary steps to make appointments, e.g. awkward manoeuvres to enter and drive their cars in spite of stabbing or shooting pain. There were even stories of patients driving despite being unable to check their blind spot due to neck pain! Today, physio at home continues to gain popularity in large part because of these safety considerations. Although patients can be admired for their tenacity, the bottom line is that driving to and from a clinic is dangerous and can lead to serious, if not fatal road accidents. Once a day and time is set for the appointment, a mobile physiotherapist will drive to your home to offer top notch assessment (see below) and treatment of your injury.

9. Assessment.

Assessment is the foundation of a physiotherapy appointment, the basis for patient treatment. If we don't get it right, all assumptions going forward are incorrect and will further delay your recovery. Consider the following example. During a clinic consultation, a patient may come in and say, "I think that my mattress is causing me back pain", As a fixed location physiotherapist, I would be forced to make assumptions about what the bed looks and feels like. However, during a physiotherapy at home appointment, I can thoroughly assess the bed (i.e. mattress, boxspring, pillows, etc.) without delay and determine without hesitation if it's okay or needs to be replaced. Within a traditional clinic setting, however, if I incorrectly assume that the mattress is okay and don't recommend replacement, the back injury risks getting even worse before concrete steps are taken.

10. Convenience.

For moderate to serious mobility issues, injured people understandably want to avoid outside movement by taking it easy at home. In these cases, and even for less severe cases where it's not technically unsafe to visit a traditional clinic, why not call a mobile physiotherapist? It's simply easier and more convenient for all concerned parties! In particular, consider parents with young children, for whom a simple appointment is never that simple. Kids are easily unsettled inside clinics or other foreign environments, which adds considerable stress for everyone. The physiotherapist's attention span is lowered, causing lower quality assessment, treatment and results. Patients get discouraged, and the kids' frustration grows over time as they see Mom and/or Dad unable to perform normal tasks. Or at best, do them with considerable difficulty. So, why not get someone to treat you in the comfort of your own home?

11. Equal Access for People with Disabilities.

Unfortunately, many people with disabilities cannot access traditional clinics. Even as Australia strives to become a more inclusive society, many edifices today are not the most handicap-friendly. While steps and tight spaces may not be a problem for most people, if you mobilise in a wheelchair, they are huge obstacles to overcome. As a former fixed location clinic owner, I can confirm that physical location accessibility is foremost in our thoughts when setting up shop. Unfortunately, commercial rent is expensive and many physiotherapy clinics are pushed towards the back of strip (shopping) malls, or forced to locate amidst a clutter of small shops. Increasing the number of potential hazards and obstacles before entering the clinic. Physio at home simplifies access issues, because patients have better mobility and control of their environment in the setting where they are most familiar.

12. Lower Overheads.

There is financial motivation for the physio at home movement, as well as many benefits for allied health practitioners themselves. Operating a physical clinic is expensive with its high fixed costs and frequent income uncertainty. Unfortunately, these costs continue to mount during holidays and quiet periods.

10 Reasons why people choose Physiotherapy at Home by



Long Appointment Wait Time is a Detriment to High Patient Satisfaction Thirty percent of patients facing long waiting times leave before seeing the doctor, while 20 percent will change providers altogether following a long waiting time experience.

Long appointment waiting times are emerging as major impediments to a quality patient experience, so much so that nearly one in five patients have switched providers when a waiting time has become too long.

Thirty percent of respondents said they have left appointments because their waiting time became too burdensome, the report noted.

Doctor's offices with longer waiting times tend to receive lower patient satisfaction scores, the report pointed out. The average waiting time for five-star hospitals (the highest rating on Vitals) is about 13 minutes. In one-star hospitals, the average wait time is just over 34 minutes.

Dig Deeper

  • Physician Shortage Drives Waiting Times, Harms Patient Care Access

  • Solutions for Reducing Healthcare Appointment Waiting Times for Patients

  • Patient Satisfaction and What It Means for Providers

  • The average waiting time for four-star hospitals is 21 minutes, 22 minutes in three-star hospitals, and 29 minutes in two-star hospitals.

  • As noted above, 30 percent of patient respondents said they have left a medical appointment because the waiting time was getting too long. Patients who reported limited access to care were more likely to leave appointments due to long waiting time, a fact the report authors noted as an interesting finding.

  • Many hospital have to wait around 20 minutes for their doctor's appointments.

  • These findings are generally consistent with last year's report. In the 2017 Vitals Wait Time Report, an analysis of patient experience reports and surveys revealed that patients waited just over 18 minutes at their medical appointments, on par with this year's results..

  • Waiting time alone is probably not the cause of the bad rating More likely a doctor who can't watch the clock may not be effectively managing other parts of the practice that impact the patient experience.

  • Having long waiting times may be poor optics for a healthcare organization that wants patients to feel well taken care of. Medical practices with long waiting times, poor access to appointment scheduling, and general disorganization do not usually assuage patients of the typical worry that can come with a doctor's visit.

  • Healthcare organizations must work to address longer waiting times, especially as patients - who are spending more of their money out-of-pocket for medical treatment - are becoming more selective about their providers. With nearly 20 percent of patients changing providers due to long waiting times, medical practices cannot afford to fall short in this area.

  • Better appointment scheduling tools can help manage patient intake and ensure appointments are not double-booked or inefficiently scheduled. Additionally, open-access scheduling practices and better clinical workflow training can support providers trying to maintain a strict

  • Nearly half (53 percent) of patients who reported limited access to healthcare said they had left an appointment because the waiting was too long. In contrast, only 20 percent of patients with self-reported excellent access to care said the same.

  • Overall, patient waiting times average out at about 18 minutes across physician specialties and different cities. Current average appointment waiting times are about 22 seconds shorter than last year's average, Vitals pointed out.

  • There were some geographic differences for patient waiting times. Patients living in out of Vasundhara, Ghaziabad may wait as little as 14 minutes for their doctor's appointment. In Ghaziabad, patients face average waiting times just under 27 minutes, the longest waiting time averages in the country.



As part of our emergency service, we provide home visit appointments for both Physiotherapy and Osteopathy.

Our experienced physios and osteopaths are some of Ghaziabad best and specialise in the treatment of back pain, neck pain, sports injures and much more.

We understand that life does not wait and pain can strike at any time.

Some days, even leaving the house can be painful.

We; re here for you.

Physiotherapy services in Home & Clinic Atlas Healthcare The Physio Company, Ghaziabad. If you are suffering the side-effects of injury, illness or disability and want to alleviate the pain and improve the way you feel, we can help.

You can enjoy all the benefits of visiting our website ; www.orthoneurophysioclinic.in Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, without your home.

You want to feel better, and we want to help you feel better, which is why we offer mobile physiotherapy to customers all over Delhi/ NCR


Physiotherapy at home - why should I be interested?

We understand that clinics and medical centres aren't for everyone. That squeaky clean environment is necessary, but it's not always comforting.

And even if you're OK with visiting a clinic, on some days it's just not possible.

Maybe the pain's too much to handle public transport. Or you can't find a babysitter to look after the kids.

(Or you're waiting in for a delivery, and they haven't given you a set time!)

We understand: some days, life just gets in the way, and there's nothing you can do about it.

So don't come to us: we'll come to you.

If you're seeking a London physiotherapist for a home visit, give us a call today.



Do you need to see a doctor today?

There are a range of services that might provide you with the help you need more quickly than waiting for an appointment. Our receptionists have received enhanced training to assist you find the right care at the right time. Please provide the receptionist with as much information as possible so you can make the most of the services available.

We offer "same day" appointments at our ortho neuro physiotherapy clinic, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad.

The early start on Monday is to help those patients who work, or are at school or college, see a doctor without having to take time out of their working day. We endeavour to open promptly to see as many of you as possible before you need to set off for work.

If you have more than one problem, tell the doctor at the beginning of the consultation and the doctor will decide which needs dealing with first. He/she will advise you how to arrange further appointments to discuss the other issues or seek alternative care if necessary.

Urgent Appointments

If you ring for an urgent appointment on the same day, the receptionist may ask you to briefly outline your symptoms or provide the reason for your request, to assess whether your request should be considered for an urgent appointment and to assist the doctor prioritise his workload.

Requests for urgent care will be referred to a doctor or nurse, who will assess whether you need to be seen in one of our urgent slots. These slots are used when all regular appointments for the day have been taken, and we need to use them for the most needy cases.

Booking an Appointment in Advance

Many of our patients prefer to book an appointment in advance for routine follow-ups or non-urgent matters. We understand that this is often important for those patients who work, are in full time education or are carers, or those who cannot come to the surgery during normal working hours.

Every day we release pre-bookable appointments with all our Physio that are available to book up to 2 weeks ahead.

We offer pre-bookable appointments at both our morning and afternoon clinics each weekday. All our pre-bookable appointments can be booked in advance either in person, online or over the telephone.

If you have Internet access, the easiest way to book is online. You need to register separately for online services, but it is a straightforward process. Please speak to a member of staff who will organise it for you and arrange for you to be issued with a PIN to access the secure system.

Online services also offer a facility for you to order repeat prescriptions and view your medical records online. Please ask for full details when you get in touch.

Booking an Appointment outside our normal opening hours

We recognise that many of our patients cannot get to see a doctor during our usual opening hours. We work with other local practices to offer appointments in the evenings and at weekends.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.


Under The Guidance Experienced Physiotherapist

Skilled physiotherapist consulting, spine prevention, public speaking we are currently working in Ghaziabad, Utter Pradesh areas of specialization includes neuro developmental physiotherapy, manual therapy including Maitland;s, and Mulligans and PNF. We are working from last 15 years in Ghaziabad.


Can Physiotherapist come to my home to treat me?

Our Physiotherapists are highly qualified and trained to come to your home and provide you with the physiotherapy treatments you need. All our Physiotherapists are DBS checked and regulated by the Health and Care Professions so you can be sure we meet with the expected standards of care and competence to treat you effectively at your own home.

We know that sometimes it is difficult to get to one of our clinics for treatment. So we offer a Home Visit option that allows our Physiotherapists to assess and treat you at your own home. We can bring a range of equipments that will enable us to treat you effectively.

Although we may not be able to treat you with all the modalities provided in clinic as some of the equipments are not particularly portable.


Older Patients/people are the same for anyone else: We treat the person, not just the body

Medical intervention in older people has same aims as that in younger people. To cure maintain or comfort. Being older just means you are more likely to have diseases already.

To be frail means you are much more likely to need help to do things. You are more likely to have a chronic disease and you are less likely to survive with a serious disease. It also means the part about cure at any cost can have quite a cost . The burden of the treatment can outweigh the benefit , the risks of death or disability loom.


Reconceptualising Pain According to Modern Pain Science

These issues raise conceptual and clinical implications, which are discussed with particular relevance to persistent pain. Finally, this conceptualisation is used as a framework for one approach to understand the complex regional pain syndrome.


At first glance, pain seems relatively straightforward - hitting one's thumb Much of the pain as a marker of the state of the tissues. This paper argues that the biology of pain is never really straightforward, even when it appears to be. There are four key points:

  • (i) that pain does not provide a measure of the state of the tissues

  • (ii) that pain is modulated by many factors from across somatic, psychological and social domains

  • (iii) that the relationship between pain and the state of the tissues becomes less predictable as pain persists

  • (iv) that pain can be conceptualised as a conscious correlate of the implicit perception that tissue is in danger.

These points will be discussed in light of their clinical implications and will form the basis of one approach to understanding complex regional pain syndrome.


Manual Therapy / PNF Technique

Manual therapy, or manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by physical therapists, physiotherapists to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability; it mostly includes kneading and manipulation of muscles, joint mobilization and joint manipulation. It's also used by occupational therapists, chiropractors' athletic trainers, osteopaths, and physicians


How can we empower people to take better care of their health?

Over the last four years we've built up a service that puts people in control of managing their own health and so far it's reached more than 7,000 people, with over 1,000 people using it every day. Positive results include improved health while 76% of patients have more confidence.

Physiotherapy at Clinic service supports those with Paralysis,heart failure, type 2 diabetes, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or a combination of these conditions. Around 30% of people in Liverpool are affected by these conditions and this has major implications for our acute services.

Our philosophy is based around empowering patients by helping them to really understand their condition and over the course of a few months reach a point where they can self-care.

We use technology that works through a tablet device or personal phones and allows patients to take readings on their vital signs blood pressure and oxygen levels-from the comfort of their own home. These are then fed into a clinically-led monitoring centre where we and other staff are based.

The team look for any early warning signs of deterioration and take whatever action is appropriate - perhaps calling the patient to talk to them through the steps they should take to manage their conditions.

receptive to information provided in their own home. Also, people are more comfortable in their own surroundings and they tell us things they don't tell a doctor/Physiotherapist.

Physiotherapy in Clinic isn't for everyone and that's why our physiotherapist make home visits to assess whether the service is suitable for that person.


Atlas Healthcare The Physio Company Physiotherapy & Pain Clinic, we are an advanced multi-disciplinary team, with over 15 years' experience working together to help you understand and recover from injuries sustained as a result of a workplace accident, a motor vehicle accident, or an ongoing chronic pain condition.

Our expert pain panel of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Occupational Physician, partner closely with you to provide personalised treatment options to meet your individual needs.

The program is designed to help minimise the impact of your injury in your daily life, help you to understand the overall function and history of your problem, a diagnosis is established to help you recognise the concern, and gives you opportunities for treatment. We understand that people suffering from injuries and pain problems may be unable to travel far for treatment. Our Physiotherapists are available at a range of locations across Ghaziabad, Delhi/NCR, to provide treatment based on your location.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly administration staff

Web : www.orthoneurophysioclinic.in

Atlas Healthcare, The Physio Company, Ghaziabad

For Physiotherapy at home in Ghaziabad


  • Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy, Exercise Therapy, Acupuncture,

  • Pre and Post-operative Rehabilitation, Pain Management Services

  • Falls Prevention, Pain Neuroscience Education

  • Cognitive Functional Therapy


Chronic pain conditions:-
  • Chronic low back pain

  • Neuro Physiotherapy Condition Like Paralysis

  • Chronic Pain Syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

  • Chronic nerve pain


  • Low back pain

  • Sciatica

  • Neck pain

  • Trapped nerves

  • Shoulder pain

  • Rotator cuff tendinitis / impingement

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Tennis elbow

  • Repetitive stain injury

  • Hip pain

  • Bursitis

  • Knee pain

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Plantar fasciitis


Following various Orthopaedic Operations:-
  • Total knee or hip replacements

  • Arthroscopies

  • ACL Repairs

  • Rotator cuff repairs

  • Fixation of bone fractures